Programs of Academic Excellence

Intro slide show image Intro slide show image
Jordan and Chris, addressing scholars at the End of Year Celebration
PAE Students ready to enjoy Wicked performed at the Adrienne Arscht Center as part of our annual cultural outing
Stamps scholars meeting up for study break during finals
Hammond medals ready to be handed out to our graduating Hammond Scholars
Jenkins Scholars and alumni at the annual Publix Foundation dinner
large version of cultural outing image large version of cultural outing image
PAE Students gathered to watch the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Holler at a Scholar bringing all of our populations together to share stories, advice, and most importantly good food
Welcome to Programs of Academic Excellence!

The Programs of Academic Excellence unit in the OAE provides support to Ronald A. Hammond, George W. Jenkins, Stamps, and Gates Scholars. This support consists of individual and group advising, connections to opportunities, and exposure to programming that aims to appeal to students' personal and professional development.
